Dishonored 2 trainer unlimited bend time
Dishonored 2 trainer unlimited bend time

dishonored 2 trainer unlimited bend time

  • In the first Dishonored 2 trailer, Emily Kaldwin was seen to use Bend Time, but does not have it in the game itself.
  • Characters immune to Bend Time do not become suspicious when it is used by others, even though their vision becomes grayscale and objects near them would have slowed/stopped.
  • Strangely, Vera Moray is not immune despite being marked. Morris Sullivan and Delilah Copperspoon are also immune to this power.
  • Some of those marked by the Outsider are immune to Bend Time, such as Daud, who uses it as a chance to fight Corvo one-on-one, along with Corvo himself.
  • Void Channel - Increased duration for Bend Time.
  • The bone charms Void Surge and Void Favor both have a chance of preventing Bend Time from using any mana, a big help considering the large amount it uses.
  • This can be helpful for setting up sequences of events that require precise timing.
  • Stop Time in Dishonored 2 allows for time to be slowly advanced during the stop.
  • When combined with Possession, a target can be moved into the trajectory of a fired weapon to kill them.
  • Enemy projectiles fired during Stop Time can be collected.
  • dishonored 2 trainer unlimited bend time dishonored 2 trainer unlimited bend time

    Activating Stop Time causes enemies aiming with a pistol to shoot just as the power starts to take effect.Running into the path of one causes the user to take damage as usual, disrupting Bend Time before the power resumes. Bend Time does not make the user immune to projectiles, even when time is stopped.

    dishonored 2 trainer unlimited bend time

  • Coming into contact with a person or an object will cause their path of momentum to change, before slowing once more.
  • Music boxes will not affect Stop Time if it has already been activated.
  • As with all other supernatural abilities, Bend Time cannot be activated near Overseer music boxes.
  • This is especially useful with the respective reload upgrades, as entire rooms can easily be cleared before time restarts.
  • Bend Time can be used to easily kill or knock out multiple foes using the pistol, crossbow or wristbow.
  • Arc pylons can be bypassed without the upgrade, as long as the user moves fast enough during Bend Time to prevent the pylon from registering their location and firing.
  • During the course of Stop Time, the user is able to walk past security devices that would otherwise kill them outright, such as arc pylons or walls of light, unharmed.
  • When enemies are stopped by Bend Time, every successful attack will be fatal.
  • Bend Time can be used to set up attacks, move unnoticed or simply escape dangerous situations.

  • Dishonored 2 trainer unlimited bend time