The resident Bonneters excel at ship-building and can even attach sails to their homes to convert them into airships. It is a gloomy, monochromatic kingdom filled with thick fog inhabited by hat-like beings called Bonneters, including Cappy and his sister, Tiara.
A moon that's so conceptually hard to find that I needed the Internet's help. The Cap Kingdom is the first kingdom visited in Super Mario Odyssey. A moon so hard to get I had to stop trying out of frustration. So, what exactly lands a Moon on this list? Well, what I'm calling Ridiculous Moons fall into any of these three categories, which are not mutually exclusive: What better way to document my progress than with a silly internet listicle? As I go through the game, I'll be choosing one Moon per Kingdom, with every five Moons being a new article! I realized very quickly that this was easier said than done, as Nintendo got pretty creative when it came to hiding these Moons. This meant collecting all the purple coins and, of course, the Power Moons.
This Power Moon can be found in Quadrant B4, in a challenge. After beating Super Mario Odyssey and discovering the amount of post-game content that still awaited me, I decided to retrace my steps and 100% the game. The Cap Kingdom Power Moon 07 - Slipping Through the Poison Tide is one of the Power Moons in the Cap Kingdom.